Der große ukrainische Maler Urrksteinpoplaska.
The great Ukraine painter Urrksteinpoplaska.
Ich studierte für viele Jahre in Deutschland, um gerade wie er zu malen.
I study ins Germany to paint be like just him.
i am animatr in the Ukraine. My daughter helps me run's this blog websites. You thank her.
you are the greatest artist that ever lived.. in the Ukraine area- I love this blog- please keep on posting!
My Favorite painter is Vyacheslav Borat...Or was it Boris? (
Thank you friends. The is nice to know some animatr in western europe. Urrksteinpoplaska is great Ukraine painter. He loved for generations. I not know this Vyacheslav Borat, my friend. I hope he as greats a painter as Urrksteinpoplaska. I shall look for his works.
Ich blieb bis zur Uhr, welche die amerikanische Akademie auf Ukraine Satelite Fernsehen gestern Abend zuspricht. An meinem Alter, das haltbar ist. Irina Alfyorova gewann keine Preise. So bin ich verärgert. Ich schlafe jetzt gute Nacht.
Gute Nacht und schläft gut, Chenguin
You are as great as Urrksteinpoplaska.
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