Ich will Ihnen Künstler zeigen, die nichtukrainisch sind. das bedeutet nicht, dass sie Abfall sind. sie sind ebenso gut wie Wuupilofskichov und Urrksteinpoplaska.
sie haben einfach einen verschiedenen Nutzen der Farbe und Zusammensetzung. Das ist dem Vergleich von Beethoven mit Victoria Beckham ähnlich. Zwei Talente aber nähern sie sich Kunst auf zwei sehr verschiedene Weisen. Urrksteinpoplaska und Wuupilofskichov sind beethoven. Die anderen sind Victoria Beckham.
Schauen Sie und genießen Sie die Kunstarbeit hier. Nachdem Sie das gesehen haben, werden Sie ukrainische Kunst sogar mehr schätzen, als Sie zurzeit tun.

PLEASE write in English too! I don´t understand ukrainian even if my granparents were from Kiew.
okay, mein friend. i will translate later today and do another posts.
Meine Achselhöhlen wünschen evryone guten Morgen. Sie riechen wie hamsters.
thise is for mori.
mein english not prefect but i translate.
I wants to share my love of the art work from all.
I'm want to show you artist who are non-Ukrainian. that do not meaning that they are a rubbish. they are as good as Wuupilofskichov and Urrksteinpoplaska.
theys simply have a different use of the colour and compositions.
i explain so western animatr understand.
This is similar to comparison of Beethoven with Victoria Beckham. Beethoven classical musicians. Victoria Beckham is contempoary western multi-musician. She win two Ukrainian music award. However, two talents approach them arts in two very seperate different ways. Urrksteinpoplaska and Wuupilofskichov are Beethoven. The other are Victoria Beckham.
Looks and enjoy the art work at here. After you see this, you will estimate Ukrainian art more than you do at the moment.
The Battle of San Romano by Uccello.
The Rage of Prince Albert by Voitshitzletski.
Saint Francis in Ecstasy by Bellini.
Feast of the Gods by Bellini.
i hope you understanded, mori. many thankyou, my friend.
Tari ma ni gaand ma garam thel bhari ne ander samosa banawu bhosidina!
Chenguin, i´m trying to understand. But it´s not easy, believe me. What do hamsters have to do with Bellini?
Saint Francis in Ecstasy by Bellini.
Feast of the Gods by Bellini
there ise no hamster painting from Bellini. he not paint a paintings of hamsters. why you talk of hamsters, mein friend? i confused.
Meine Achselhöhlen wünschen evryone guten Morgen. Sie riechen wie HAMSTERS??????????????
who is victoria beckham?
Mori- Victoria Beckham is a contemporary western multi-musician. She win two Ukrainian music award. she do musiks in the west and now in eastern europe.
she famous womans who make good musiks.
her husband not so famous. i think hims play football or netball. him's called david.
london- leave mein blogwebsite at once'd. you insult me in ukrainian so i not understand? i will find some friends to translate your evil words for i. you disgusting western animatr. i old. i am 79. i deserve repects. shames on you.
Chenguin, you´re very nice, but you didn´t tell me about the hamster!!! i would like to know what "Meine Achselhöhlen wünschen evryone guten Morgen. Sie riechen wie HAMSTERS" means and what does that have to do with bellini and rubens. did bellini have a hamster as a pet? i had one but my dog ate it.
Thankyou to you for you kind words, mori.
i translate for you.
i was saying 'good morning' to all's the german speaking people. "good morning to them and their pets, hamsters". it is a small jokes in the ukraine. it is not so amusing to foreign peoples.
i also had pet hamster when i was small boy in 1931. it was mein best's friend. we play everyday. but my sister kill it and put its in my sandwich for school lunch. i not know, so i eat sandwich. i ill for 8 days. i stills miss hamster to this day.
Good morning to you and your (ex) pet hamster, Changuin. Ich Dankeshen you so much for teaching me Deuthsch language, you´re very gentile. I´d love to see some of your work as animatr. Can you post some of your illustrations? Did you do art work for Perestroika?
i not do art work for perestroika woche. we in ukraine drink heavily for one week to celebrate.
i wills post more sketched drawings and animatr drawing from my pasts. i have long pasts. i work animatr since 1934, so many many drawing to show all.
i not understand you's webblogsite, mori. i not speak portugal. can you translate to english or german for i?
In my country we don´t like Victoria Beckam but we do love Bellini and Rembrandt.Also we don´t drink spirituous beverages, like you. We consider it bad for our health.
I live in Argentina and I write in Spanish, not portuguese, Changin. And I´m a woman, not a man. My hamster was a female, too. Now I have two dogs. I wouldn´t like to eat them in a sandwich.
Maybe you can do the illustrations for my next book of poetry.
i'm apologize to you, mori. i mistake portugege's for spanish. it beautiful language.
i not eat mein hamster on purpose. i was small boy. my sister trick me and i not knowed. i eat sandwich with hamster inside unwittingly'd.
i woulds enjoy very much to do illustrate for you book of poetry. i am 79 ands in poor health so i must illustrate soon.
mori, i apologize. sadly you wills not be ables to leave comment on mein blog for while. an evil western animatr called london is sending 20 comments insulting me and mein work so i switch comment accensed off tempory.
him has start witch hunt on me.
him not like me because from i eastern animatr and he from western animatr.
hims victimise me for no reasons.
i pray him not visit mein blog again.
i speak to you, mori. soon. next week to do illustrate. mein health is suffer from stressful of this woman who'm calles himself's london.
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