Tuesday, April 3, 2007


This is Chenguin's daughter. I have devastating news.

My father was rushed to hospital last night as he suffered some kind of major stroke.
He wont be back for a while. I pray he makes a full recovery. This is his 5th stroke this year.

Any get well fast messages would be enormously appreciated.

я надеюсь, он doesnt, умирают. если он делает, я продолжу ярость.

its been 6 hours and not ONE message of support or get well fast wishes?
I guess my father wasn't so popular after all.
Thanks a bunch everyone.

сосите мои груди


chenguin said...

ich bin auf meinem Todesbett. ich denke nicht, dass ich es im Laufe der Nacht machen werde.
meine Tochter erzählt mir nicht EINE einzelne Person hat um meine Wiederherstellung gebetet.
ich werde sterben, und keiner wird sich sorgen. Scham auf allen Künstlern.

ich hoffe, dass ihre Bleistifte ihnen Splitter geben. und dann wenn sie versuchen zu masturbieren, werden sie einen Splitter in ihrem Penis bekommen.

i am olds. i 79. i may'd not make it to 80.
mein daughter say i 79 and also i senile. she say this when she readed what i writed on western animtr blogwebsites. i say i simply share mein story of mein pasts. she'm say some of story made up. like Ikshaiushka doing a shit on bus, and me drunk making love to dalmatian, and me having cyclops neice who will be spintster. i say, oh yes.
i tired. all get hazy. i see a lights.

ich werde Geschlechtsverkehr mit der Krake haben, wenn ich zum Himmel komme. ich möchte eine menschliche Frau lieber haben, aber ich bekomme, was mir gegeben wird.

Mori Ponsowy said...

changuin: you had a massive stroke and you´re already back writing in your blog? ah! this morning i was so sad for you i couldn´t even write saying hello-get well. and now that i come back i see you´re out of the hospital already... i think you´re lying to me and to everyone. you´re not a real animatr, changin. you fooled me. my publisher is mad at me: now i dont´know who´s ilustrating my next book. all your fault.

i´m glad your sister made you eat that sandwich.

chenguin said...

This is Chenguin's daughter. Dear Mori, dont hate my father. he was a good man. He never lied to anyone, but himself. He believed he could still do the things he used to do when he was 20, but he was 79. his body simply couldnt take it.

about his sister. what he didnt tell you was that the following year he got his revenge on her. he put a rat in her chicken burger and she ate it. she was so sick she had to have part of her stomach removed.

please leave condolences