Friday, March 9, 2007

Western Animatr

i am sick and tiring of thise western animatr that insults me when i take pleasure to visit their blog and leave lovely insiteful comment.

i share my storys from 50 years being animatr and these stupid young western ignorant animatr tell me to make love to myself.

i am extreme anger. i deserve respect. i desreves to you look up to me in honor, not insult me a great man of 79.
you insult me because i not from west.
you insult me because my english is nots great and perfecting like yours's.
you say i am fake man.

i am real animatr from Ukraine.
you not hear of me through sheered ignorance but i exists.
this is like the east denying Walt disney exist. ripuglulous!

i am extreme anger more. i nearly gets chest pain from anger. my daughter tell me to close blogwebsite so i calm down.
i will not.
i will not stop sharing my works with the internets. i will keep my blog websites open.
all western animatr who hate chenguin leave and spread hate somewhere else.

i'm hope this is last time i speak about this.


limbolo said...

Sie sind erhält tief chenguin es aufrecht

chenguin said...

Vielen Dank für Ihre freundlichen Wörter, Limbolo.
Feinde von Chenguin und der Ukraine werden zerquetscht.

Matt Jones said...

Chingu, you are the BORAT of BLOGDOM.
When can we see you?

chenguin said...

you see me when i'm get outs of hospital. i in lots of pain.

you visit me in kiev.

chenguin said...

mein daughter explain me what you say. you calls me borat. hims western comedy man who make fun of eastern power. death to hims.

i nots borat. you insult me. whens will you western animatr know i am respected eastern animatr in ukraine? read message of "western animatr". you'm hurt chenguin feelings yet agains.