Monday, March 12, 2007

Perestroika Week

Nächste Woche ist Perestroika Woche hier in der Ukraine.
Es wird heald in der Stadt Brest sein. Während dieser Woche wird es Brest Woche genannt.

in Perestroika Week we celebrate's by beheading cattle and selling it to eachs other at reduced's prices. it's is great fun. thens we have puppet of Mikhail Gorbachev and we put it withed puppet of Stalin and dance to them. i am too olds to dance this year.
last year i fracture my hip. i spended Perestroika Week in hospital. but sexied nurse made me happy.

we drink vodka and smash glass on ground. unsuspecting bare foot man's walk on it and we laugh at them. we laugh as ambulance take them away. we drunks as we laugh.
if we bare foot ourselve we do not laughs.

we talk of times under communism ussr and the futures for ukraine and drink more's vodka.
then we awake tomorrows and do same thing all agains. it fun.

last's year again not so fun. my brother Quenguin die of ulcer liver from too much vodka. him's was in pain and he wept vodka before him die. it was sad times.
so we's drank to hims health and forget about it.
him dead, but's we alive!

so feiern Sie Perestroika Woche sie Westidioten!


chenguin said...

ich wurde für die perestroika Woche zu getrunken. so tat ich einen poo in meinen Hosen in der Mitte der Bar. ich verlor über meine Därme Kontrolle. ich bin 79 afterall. so warfen sie mich aus.

i wills be backs on the vodka tomorrows. but's not after i leave drunken comment on western animatr blogwebsite. long live Ukraine.

now i shalls change my pants. they start to smaell

chenguin said...

an diesem Morgen wachte ich auf. ich war noch betrunken. ich erbrach mich auf Ikshaiushka. sie schlug mir im Gesicht.

i sit at brekfast tables and have my Borscht, Holobtsi, ands Schlaakfor anded listen to my Vadym Borysenko musiks.

i go outside's again today make celebrate more perestrioka woche. i drink today many vodka and vomit on my friends.

i come back leave more drunken comment on evil western animatr blogwebsites, my friends. long live mein Arsch.

chenguin said...

es ist der dritte Tag der perestroika Woche. ich fühle mich sehr sehr krank.
ich fürchte, dass ich die Alkohol-Vergiftung haben kann.

i wake at 7 in mornings and vomit on stairs. i sick. i weep like a womans. i drink mores vodka to calm down and by 7.30 i happied mans.

now i go out to celebrating more perestoika woche. i'm punch mine neighbor who i dont likes's. him is 40. i'm 79. so him punchs me hard to face and i unconcious for 5 hours. i sober up ups and go to bar to continu drink vodka.

i'm avoid neighbour. hims to tough. tomorow i get my son to shit in his house. that'd will shown him goods.

lang lebe mein Wodka gerittener Penis.
death to mein neighbour.

chenguin said...

es ist der vierte Tag der perestroika Woche. Mein Erbrechen war mit dem Blut gestern Abend voll. ich bin erschrocken.
ich denke, dass ich eine Lunge brach.

i wake at 6 in morning and go to alcohol man shop. i buyed 3 bottle vodka. i drinked ones and i'm feel fine.
my neighbour throweds a car tire at mein head. it hurt. him angry.
him say my son do poo in him's house.
i'm laugh ands run away.

i celebrate more perestroika woche. i drink 5 bottle vodka. my urine hurt me nows. i'm no longer feel to feelings. mein numb. mein penis also numb.

i accidentle shut mein penis in door. i no feel pain. chenguin feel pain tomorrow!

long live meine Hoden und mein blutender Penis. heal fast, my friend.

Matt Jones said...

Didn't Herman Melville write of your brother in MOBY DICK?

chenguin said...

ich bin im Krankenhaus. i in hospital.

i accidentle shut mein penis in door last week. chenguin did feel pain. lots of pain.
i in'd hospital for few day.

so perestroika woche end not happily for me. doctor also say mein liver is damage.
mein daughter write a words on mein blogwebsite.

to the matt j. i not knowed Herman Melville. who him? whatr you talk about? all i care is to get well ands makes loves to mein wife again.

langes Leben poo